
A Christmassy Ride


Santa’s a busy man in December, so we had to plan well in advance to secure his attendance at Reading’s Kidical Mass Ride. Crucial, of course, was what method of transport would be appropriate for him β€” it had to be bike related.

Our own esteemed Kat Heath (of 100 Women in Cycling fame) made the opening suggestion that he should be riding on a sleigh pulled by a team of six cyclists wearing reindeer antlers. The rest of the planning team, who are blessed with a little less ambition, but a smidgeon more common sense, shot that right down on safety grounds. Can you imagine the tangle we would have got into crossing London Road?


When one of our families pointed out that their Urban Arrow box bike can safely carry an adult, it was the perfect solution. We consulted with Santa and he was keen β€” after all if it’s good enough for our children then it’s good enough for him. R(e)i(n)de(e)r Balthi even wore antlers and a red nose as he captained the bike.

10th December fell at the start of the very cold snap we’ve been having, and it was bitterly cold. Nevertheless there were a fair few families there and our wonderful marshals came out regardless. Many of us use bikes as our primary form of transport so we were fully equipped with layers of clothes and heavy duty gloves. If you ever have questions like how to keep a baby’s ears warm on a bike (elephant hoods worked for us), do ask!

For the first time ever as we approached London Road I was worried that drivers were getting impatient waiting for the kids to cross as a group.  However, they were only honking and waving at Santa, which is allowed.  Throughout the whole ride we got a positively delightful reaction from onlookers.


On arrival at Forbury Gardens Santa handed out Kidical Mass bike bells, and our wonderful bakers handed out Christmas cookies. There were bells leftover (I’m saying nothing about the cookies) so Santa left them with us β€” we’ll bring them to future rides so let us know if you missed out. My three year old was extremely excited to fit his official Kidical Mass bell to his balance bike when we got home. I’m not sure our neighbours have been quite as pleased.

Our kids were also very pleased to see their Grandfather who came along for the biscuits and tea in Forbury Gardens. Sadly he just missed seeing Santa, but he was very pleased to hear from them all about how much they’d enjoyed the ride.


December 2022 ride

We had a lovely ride in freezing temperature, but with a wonderful sunshine and an unexpected guest!
Santa is definitely not too old to ride a bike… but he still enjoyed leading the ride carried in a cargo bike.


November 2022 ride in Wokingham

Kidical Mass was back in Wokingham this weekend, with over 50 young and old riders on all manner of cycles enjoying the extraordinary weather for a short cycle around some of the town’s roads.

Kidical Mass is a fun, family activity with a serious message: highlighting the need to make our roads safe for people of all ages to travel by bike – to school, to work and for fun. These group rides give everyone the chance to ride on the roads in company and safety, with the help of adult guides.

As normal, the drivers and others we met on our way were delightful, with any short inconvenience outweighed by the pleasure of seeing so many kids having fun.

We were delighted to be accompanied by Wokingham Town Mayor Maria Gee. After the event Mayor Gee said:

Cycling in a mixed friendly group really helps with road confidence. It was wonderful to see families and friends cycling together and children able to ride on the road in safety.

Kids want the freedom and fun that comes from getting around by bike, but many of the places they want to go involve roads with heavy and fast moving traffic and hazardous junctions. The next generation care deeply about living sustainable lives and it’s more important than ever that we create the space for them to do so.

Kidical Mass rides are running monthly between Reading and Wokingham. Join us for the next one!


October 2022 report


Keeping the rides safe is the thing we spend most time on when planning. Most importantly, we just don’t want anyone to get hurt, but it would also set back all of our goals if they did.

It would raise the wrong kind of awareness of cycling issues. It would not increase confidence in our child (or adult!) attendees. And, though a community can be bonded together by a traumatic event, that’s really not what we’re going for.

Maps, marshals and messages are the three key legs of our safety strategy.

  1. Maps, because we can’t have a safe ride without having a safe route and a plan. We ride the proposed route making notes on where the difficult junctions are so that know where we need to position our –
  2. Marshals. We are so grateful to have a growing pool of marshals who position themselves (at junctions and when riding) to ensure that children are kept clear of hazards. We make sure they know where they need to be with –
  3. Messages. We circulate the marked up map ahead of time and hold a briefing just before the ride. We maintain headset communication between the ride organiser and the front and back of the ride, so that we can keep the group together and safe.

October’s ride was a big success – the weather was beautiful, people came (40 of them!) on a variety of bikes (including our first recumbent trikes!) and we all arrived safely and together at Forbury Gardens.

For me, a highlight of the day was watching the children play and the adults mingle after the ride. Our three year old does not yet have the speed or stamina to ride the route, but we brought his balance bike with us and he was delighted to be able to whizz around the gardens with the bigger children.

He also offered his little bike to a one year old to have a go. Many adults also test rode each others bikes. It was great seeing the knowledge sharing of how we all make it work between families with children of different ages.

Please come and join us for our next rides! We’ll be in Wokingham on 12th November or in Reading on 10th December. We’d love to see you, as a rider or a marshal, or even just to meet you at the end of the ride.


October 2022 ride photos

Today’s Kidical Mass ride went from Palmer Park to Forbury Gardens and was attended by about 40 people.

The ride proceeded down the Kennett towpath accompanied by the music of bike bells, children’s chatter and ‘I Want to Ride My Bicycle’ by Queen.

Many thanks to the marshals who helped us to make the ride a safe and relaxed experience for all involved. It was lovely to see the smiles on the faces of pedestrians, cyclists and drivers as we passed by.

After the ride participants mingled and ate cake and the children rode their bikes together and decorated the ground with pavement chalk.


September 2022 report

On Festivals and Friends

When we talk about why we do Kidical Mass, it always comes back to three C’s

  1. Campaigning (for better infrastructure);
  2. Confidence (creating a safe place for kids to practice road skills); and
  3. Community (building one).

And, my goodness, September’s ride was strong on that last point.

To start with, it was a collaboration between two Kidical Mass organising groups. Our good friends and neighbours in Wokingham started in Woodley and followed the planned Woodley to Palmer Park cycle route, where they seamlessly flowed into the start of our Reading ride.

To finish with, our destination was the Reading Cycling Festival – we swung over Christchurch bridge to arrive at the festival as a 65 strong group – I’m informed we were a very impressive and encouraging sight!

In the middle, our wonderful marshals kept us all safe, pedestrians pointed and took pictures, and drivers were generally very well behaved – we got lots of waves and smiles! And the kids, of course, were all brilliant.

At the festival Kidical Mass shared a stand with WATCH Wokingham (if anyone was wondering what Adrian had in his trailer on the ride, it was everything needed for the stall!). We also met in person some of the lovely people behind other local cycling groups – watch this space for some exciting collaborations regarding post ride activities on future rides!

We were grateful to Woodley Councillor Carol Jewel for finding the ride and volunteering to help as a marshal. All are welcome at our rides – but it’s especially wonderful seeing our elected representatives take our issues seriously.

If you want to help us further our aims, any of the following would help:

  1. Write to your local councillor and invite them to join us on a ride.
  2. Let us know of any community notice boards where we can pop a leaflet up.
  3. Come and join us! Rides will be running on the second Saturday of the month in Reading or Wokingham through until at least January. If you are coming without kids and happy to consider marshalling, please contact us (on Twitter, Facebook, e-mail) so we can send you the details of what is involved.

September 2022 photos

Sunday 25th September was both the Reading Cycle Festival and a Europewide Action Weekend for Kidical Mass. So of course Kidical Mass Reading and Kidical Mass Wokingham joined forces, and around 65 people rode together to the Reading Cycling Festival.

Our rides are family friendly and fun and help adults and children to build connections with other enthusiastic cyclists. We also give young cyclists the opportunity to build road confidence, by giving them a safe marshalled environment to practice in. We are very grateful to the volunteer marshals who gave up their time to make this possible.

Children and teenagers need and deserve cycling infrastructure that allows them to navigate safely. Cities that offer spaces that are safe for children are good for everyone. There is a lot of work to be done in this regard in Reading and Wokingham, but there is increasingly a political will to make improvements. We were delighted that Councillor Carol Jewel joined the ranks of councillors who have ridden with us to see first hand the issues at play.

On arrival at the Reading Cycling Festival our young riders enjoyed watching Urban Display’s stunt riders, and many of them had a go at the mini obstacle course.

If you want to add your voice to ours (and have fun with us!) then please join us for our next ride on Saturday 8th October, meeting at 11am by Tutus in Palmer Park. All are welcome.


August 2022 ride in Wokingham

Wokingham’s first Kidical Mass was held on Saturday 13th August. The ride took in a mile and a half around some of the town centre’s streets, and young and old enjoyed the spirit of riding together and chatting along the way. At the end, ice lollies and cycling games were enjoyed by all in Elms Field.

We are delighted with how the ride went. Kidical Mass is about fun and freedom for kids and families on bikes, but with a serious message about how safe our streets are at other times. The few drivers we met along the way were wonderful, giving plenty of room for everyone and enjoying the spectacle of kids riding freely on the roads accompanied by the wonderful Earley Panda 🐼.

Local support for the event has been tremendous, with so many people who weren’t able to make Saturday due to holidays or the heat asking when we’ll be back.

Our next ride is on Sunday 25th September, with a ride from Woodley to Palmer Park to meet up with Reading Kidical Mass as a part of the global Kidical Mass event. We’re planning to be back in Wokingham town in October.


July 2022 Kidical Mass Report

On the importance of Networks and Nettles

I had been looking forward to the third Kidical Mass Reading cycle ride. I’d seen how my five year old had loved them, I really liked the community involved, and I’m a big fan of campaigning for better cycling infrastructure. 

So, despite the heatwave, I was very disappointed to wake up ill on the morning of the ride. This report is therefore brought to you in partnership with the Kidical Mass Reading Intern, Michael (the aforementioned five year old), who kindly answered my questions.

The start of the Kidical Mass Ride from Green Park. Picture: Steve Smyth

Where did you ride?

We started at Green Park. We chatted and rode our bikes around as everyone arrived. We cycled to Wateloo Meadows. There was one road that we went next to that was very busy but apart from that it was very quiet ones. There were quite a lot of paths not next to a road.

It’s nice and quiet when cars are absent!

What’s different about a Kidical Mass Ride?

It felt safe riding on the road because of the marshals. They were making sure the cars didn’t hurt any of the cyclists. It’s busy with a lot of riders, so I felt more safe. It’s nice to ride with other children because they go at the same speed as me.

What happened afterwards at Waterloo Meadows?

We had a snack-ish lunch and I rode my bike down the tallest hill on the bike track with my friend. Then we had some water gun fun. Some of the adults joined in spraying with their water bottles, but the children got them more wet than they got us.

Reading’s Mayor enjoying our post-ride hangout.

At Waterloo Meadows Cllr Rachel Eden (Reading’s Mayor) and Cllr Jacopo Lanzoni joined the riders, and spoke at length with our lead campaigner, Kat Heath. The ride was written up by RDG.TODAY, and attended by a representative from Sustrans.

The path after @ReadingCouncil kindly cleared the stinging nettles. Thanks!

Here are three things you can do to help our cause:

  1. Please report any infrastructure issues you see on your outings to the council. When scouting the route, we found that one of the paths was overgrown with stinging nettles – particularly bad for child height riders in shorts. We raised this (which can be done through Love Clean Reading) and it was resolved in time for the ride.
  2. If you know of any businesses that will let us put up a poster, please contact us on twitter or through our website
  3. Come and join us! All are welcome. Kidical Mass Wokingham are hosting a ride on Saturday 13th August (You can register on the Facebook event.)
    Our following ride will be a joint one with them on Sunday 25th September – the Reading leg will meet at Palmer Park and finish at Reading Cycling Festival on Christchurch Meadows.

July 2022 ride

Saturday 16 July, 11:30 β€” Meeting at Green Park in Reading, Lime Square, RG2 6UG, finishing at Water Meadows for picnic, play and cake!

We had the pleasure to see Rachel Eden, the Mayor of Reading, who joined us for the picnic. It was pretty hot, so the water pistols at the end were very welcome… πŸ”« πŸ”« πŸ”«