Save the dates for our next Kidical Mass events, in Reading and Wokingham. No need to book: just turn up and enjoy a safe, family-friendly, joyful ride with us.
Sunday 19 January, 2pm in Reading
Circular ride from SportsPark, on the University of Reading campus (Car park 1). Register on the Facebook event!
Neither flood nor frost was going to stop Santa from keeping the most important event in his calendar (apart from Christmas Eve, of course) – the annual Kidical Mass Reading Christmas ride.
Our boys were super excited getting ready for the ride – this year I left plenty of time to duct tape the all important elf hat onto Mr 5’s helmet. These days Mr 5 prefers to ride his own bike on our rides – his grandfather usually comes along to ride next to him since his Dad leads the ride and I (his mother) am our back marker. However, this year as in previous years the boys’ grandfather was nowhere to be seen during the ride. He showed up too late, unfortunately just missing Father Christmas. So Mr 5 got to help lead the ride on the triplet with Dad and Father Christmas. And a very happy elf he made, with lots of waves and smiles for the people we passed.
And there were a lot of people that we passed. Though flood wasn’t going to stop Santa, it had a pretty good go. After days of heavy rain much of King’s Meadow was more than a foot underwater, and the river was fast and high and cold. Even more than usual we didn’t want to run the risk of a kid falling in so we changed our plan and routed the ride pretty much immediately away from the river and through the tunnel under the station, through town, along the Kennet by the Oracle (which has substantial fences and a much higher bank) before ending at Forbury Gardens. Going through the centre of town we got lots of smiles and waves from people out doing their Christmas shopping in the very festive town centre (made all the more festive, of course, by the presence of Santa on a bike and the jingling of bike bells).
It doesn’t escape my attention that watching for flooding on the route has become something of a feature of planning Kidical Mass rides – much of our child-friendly cycling infrastructure in Reading is river-adjacent, which can present a problem if you don’t have alternative routes for getting around. I felt for the family who showed up with wet socks because they came on bikes and had to cross through some rather deep puddles to get to the start of the ride! We will keep pushing for the day when the cycling network in Reading is more resilient to heavy rain and ice. We need to get there if we want cycling to be a viable primary transport option for meaningful numbers of people.
At Forbury Gardens the kids had a chance to mingle with Santa, who handed out presents to help make the kids more visible in poor lighting – many thanks to Reading Borough Council for their financial support of that project, which has also enabled us to provide lights to some secondary school children who were in need of them. Santa enjoyed congratulating the kids on their riding skills as he handed out the presents, and then slipped away just before the kid’s grandfather showed up to hear all about it.
We are all looking forward to the ride on Sunday 19th January, which will be on the university site and then followed by our Annual General Meeting, where we will reflect on what has been achieved last year and plan for what can be done next year. Until then, we hope you all stay safe and enjoy riding your bikes. From your Kidical Mass Reading team:
We wish you a Merry Christmas! Nous vous souhaitons de joyeuses fêtes! We wensen jullie een vrolijk kerstfeest! Поздравляем с Рождеством! Віншуем з Калядамі! Feliz Navidad Feliz Natal
We had 25 happy riders today, including Santa Claus himself! 🎅 Santa was riding on a triplet, with a reindeer leading him safely in town, from the Lido to the Palmer Park. There were even gifts at the end… 🎁
Kidical Mass Reading celebrated Halloween with a themed ride on Sunday 20th October (it was a little early because we have realised that running rides in the school holidays and expecting people turn up is a Fools Errand). We invited attendees to come in costume if they wished (not was also fine of course, and our favourite characters are always families who ride bikes).
Our own boys have recently discovered Quidditch and wanted to dress accordingly. My husband (and Kidical Mass ride leader) Simon enjoyed hunting for a branch and some sticks with Mr 5 (the artist previously known as Mr 4, he recently had a birthday) to make a “Nimbus 2000” and we had great fun (if slight time stress) working out on the morning of the ride how to attach it to the back of the tandem so it looked like Mr 5 was riding it. Simon sportingly agreed to wear a golden snitch picture on his back so our young Seeker could be following it, and Mr 8 (who also recently had a birthday) had a hoop on a stick on the back of his bike to form a Quidditch goal so he could be Wood, the Gryfinndor keeper.
I recycled an idea from the very first Kidical Mass ride in Reading and went as Room on the Broom (this time with soft toys instead of children as passengers), because I still think that’s the most appropriate costume for a long tail cargo bike.
Despite our persistent badgering of the marshals who work in weather forecasting (there are six of them, which you’d think would be enough) the rain was only due to clear up in time for the actual Kidical Mass ride, and not for the marshals recce beforehand. Nonetheless, the marshals managed to accomplish their most important job on the recce, which was to place the ramps that would mean we could take the ride around the barrier blocking the end of Chestnut Walk (we continue our campaigning work to get a permanent workaround put in here, as it’s otherwise such a lovely car-free route into town).
With the rain we were worried turnout would be very low, so we were delighted that 34 people came along. Probably the most gratifying were the granddaughter-grandfather team who showed up. He informed us that he had been told they were going to come along that afternoon as she had enjoyed the last ride from the cycle festival so much. We were delighted to have them both!
🚲 🛴
We also had a family with a child on a scooter – her bike currently needs some work. They initially planned to only join the first bit of the ride around Kings Meadow, but actually having done that they kept with us for the whole ride. There was some great scooting going on there! I think the biggest difficultly for the scooter was on Kings Meadow itself, with the tree roots breaking up the path. It’s tricky for bikes, but worse for scooters. And to anyone whose bike needs light maintenance we recommend the free Dr Bike sessions funded by the council.
I enjoyed the ride around Blake’s Wharf – the grey day meant that for the first time I noticed that the fountains are lit from underneath. It really is a lovely spot. Coming through town we cut down to Garrard Street from Friar Street rather than navigate the big junction at the top (literally) of Greyfriars road, which was a lot less stressful! The taxi drivers queuing on Garrard Street were very smiley and waved at the children, which boosted everyone’s mood.
Then back through the tunnel under the station (hooray!) and we arrived at Thames Lido, where our friendly marshalling team handed out sweets to our young trick-or-treating riders. Huge thanks, as always, to the marshals who turn up to make sure the rides are safe and fun for all riders.
By this point the rain had cleared so we hung around for a while whilst the kids played. We chatted about the ride, parenting, and where in Reading we’d love to see additional drop curbs installed (we’re a niche interest group, I know). After that, Kat (official spokesperson), Samuel (treasurer and webmaster) and Jeroen (bike statistics mastermind) headed off to work on a presentation to Green Party members, on what getting around a city CAN look like if there are the will and resources to make bold changes.
If you’d like to be part of demonstrating that there is a desire for change in Reading (oh, and also if you’d like to ride with Father Christmas) then do come and join us for our Christmas rides. We’ll be meeting:
in Reading: by Thames Lido at 2pm on Sunday 1st December
in Wokingham: at Elms Fields Playground at 2pm on Sunday 15th December
Reading Cycle Festival is an event we will always be happy to have in our calendar. It’s full of people who agree with Kidical Mass Reading’s aims – to campaign for better cycling infrastructure, build friendships between cyclists and to have fun on bikes. It was also full of people who were keen to go for a Kidical Mass ride and we had our biggest ride yet with around 90 riders taking to the cycle paths and streets to, well, campaign for better cycling infrastructure, build friendships between cyclists and have fun on bikes.
It’s been an exciting time for cycling infrastructure in the town centre, with both the rebuild of the bridge on Kings Meadow and the reopening of the (newly bike friendly) cycle tunnel scheduled for the week or two before the Cycle Festival. Yes, of course we planned a route that used both of these, and yes, of course we had a backup plan (or three) in case the projects overran – but thankfully everything was open in time!
The bridge over the stream on Kings Meadow was previously an area where our marshals had to be on high alert – the railings were horizontal and wide enough apart that an oblivious child on a balance bike could have slipped under. The new bridge is not only better in that it doesn’t have dodgy planks, it also has high vertical railings. Much safer, and much appreciated.
We then went through the Napier Road tunnel and along the Kennet to Reading Abbey. This route is perfect for bikes except for the boom barrier that blocks Chestnut walk. This time we came prepared with ramps so everyone could get round it on the pavement. Our team who attend the council cycling forum have raised this – putting in a drop kerb here would make the route usable for anyone with wheels (bikes, wheelchairs, pushchairs etc).
Then it was through the town centre, down Greyfriars Road and finally – finally! – we were able to take a Kidical Mass ride through the station tunnel as it has reopened and is accessible to bikes. The turn in was a bit tight and some of our recumbent trikes/bikes pulling trailers struggled a little, but I assume that when the building work at the station is finished that problem will go away. The tunnel creates a much needed centrally located crossing of the railway that is suitable for young or less confident cyclists (Vastern Road and Forbury roundabout are not for the faint of heart, unless you routinely travel with a team of marshals). I’m so delighted that the council are taking action on some of the unnavigable pinch points as well as building longer cycle lanes (e.g. on Shinfield Road). Both are needed.
We arrived back over Christchurch bridge to the festival where our boys had the opportunity to try out the ramps brought by Avanti (which they loved), watch the stunt cycling (which they loved) and socialise with their cycling friends (who they love). We had a stand next to Reading Cycle Campaign and near to Dr Bike – it was great to see so many of our cycling friends around.
This blog will not be as frequent this year, though we will continue to post about the rides which of course continue to run as normal. The next ride will be Halloween themed 🎃👻🧙🕸️ at 2pm on Sunday 20th October and, Dear Reader, we would love to see you there. Come dressed up as your favourite character – or, if that doesn’t appeal, then come as our favourite characters: families who like spending time together on bikes.
In May Kidical Mass ran a ride at the University of Reading’s community festival. Over 50 people joined us for a ride through the university site. The campus is a great place to go riding with young children — there is very little traffic on the road, what traffic there is moves relatively slowly and many of the cycle routes are off road. It’s a very safe place to learn to ride and indeed our youngest regular attendee, Blake (aged 3) has learned to ride there this Summer. It was a very easy route to marshal and made for a relaxed and enjoyable ride.
Kidical Mass Reading have other reasons to be grateful to the university too — earlier this year they awarded us a grant which has enabled us to continue running the rides with related activities alongside (including offering bike maintenance to ride attendees).
So at July’s ride we were very pleased to welcome university researchers from the CALM (Clean Air Living Matters). The route went from Palmer Park to Forbury Gardens — back on our very first route — well, almost. There was a small change as the direction of traffic on Abbey Square, the one way road past the library, has reversed. This definitely made the route less stressful with small people (on this route the marshals always do most work on the stretch between coming off the Kennet and turning off Kings Road).
As part of their work, Dr Marta O’Brien and her team offer free assemblies and other resources to schools in Reading to help inform and empower students on these matters. If you have children and you think they would benefit from this please encourage their school to reach out – many schools in the Reading area have already taken advantage of the offer.
The researchers rode with us and sought views on cycling in Reading from the grown ups after the ride. I particularly enjoyed appropriating some of the pavement chalk that the children were using post ride to sketch out the new layout of Lower Henley Road and explain why it has made such a difference to our school run! I was also also able to explain why I am so glad that the tunnel under the station is opening to cyclists soon — the rivers and the train line are some of the biggest challenges for route planning in Reading and having a centrally located child friendly crossing of the latter is a welcome development. We hope to take a ride through the tunnel in celebration once it is finally open!
Going back to the university, and cycling, I made one too many puns about unicycles and the official Kidical Mass Reading route planner/leader (and my husband) has acquired one and is determined to learn to ride it with the idea of eventually being able to lead a ride on one. For now he looks quite funny wobbling about with one hand on the wall. With two small children finding the time to become proficient may take a while, but he’s a determined (stubborn?) man so watch this space for a future ride report featuring him.
This blog and the rides are on hiatus over the Summer so all that is left to say is that the next ride for Kidical Mass will be at 12pm from Reading Cycle Festival on Sunday 8th September – we hope to see many of you there!
Kidical Mass rides are fun, a lot of fun! They are meant to be an opportunity for families to enjoy themselves. We ride our bikes, we chat, have some cake, and we play. But sometimes, we need to get serious as well. This is the campaigning side of Kidical Mass. We write articles on this blog setting out our opinions, we run petitions and we sit on council meetings about active travel.
It is great to see some of the measures the council is taking already. There is the Clean Air Living Matters (CALM) project to raise awareness about air pollution, including the role of motorised traffic. The council is also implementing wonderful School Streets to protect children near their schools.
Obviously, children don’t teleport to these school streets, though. There are still many barriers to active travel. I cycle to school with my child every morning along Hemdean Road in Caversham, a road with two primary schools and a nursery. Morning traffic can be hectic on this bendy road, with parents driving children to school, buses coming through and traffic using the road as a rat run. The available space is severely restricted by parked cars on both sides. After enduring numerous close passes on myself and my child, I have recently helped the school campaign for extra safety measures. While the council has sympathised with the requests, two arguments were repeatedly mentioned. If you follow discussions around active travel in Reading, you will surely recognise these recurring themes.
Parking space
Firstly, we are told, whatever we do, to not impact any parking spaces. Indeed, across the country it is often said that UK streets are too narrow for cycle paths and other infrastructure. This is clearly nonsense. Many roads are more than wide enough, but almost all of the space is allocated to the movement and storage of motor vehicles. This is a political choice, not a law of nature that can’t be changed.
This situation is only becoming worse with the trend for unnecessarily large cars, with almost a third of new cars sold being SUVs. These cars make the roads more dangerous for other road users by restricting space and visibility. In case of a crash, their weight and shape strongly increases the severity of the consequences. They cause more air pollution (including the electric ones). A recent study showed that air pollution caused by cars could have dropped by over 30% if this car obesity had not occurred.
The lack of space means there’s also no room for other much needed measures that enable active travel, such as shared cars and on-street bike hangars. It means no space for more plants and trees, which will be sorely needed to combat the urban heat island effect during heatwaves of ever increasing severity and to combat the dramatic decline of biodiversity. We have no space for benches for people to rest and socialise.
Crucially, it means no space for children to play. UK children are said to be among the least active worldwide. Is this any wonder? Have you had a look outside recently? Our society values the convenience of its adults to leave their belongings lying around over the health and safety of its children.
We need to reclaim our public space now, before the situation becomes even worse.
The council even supports this aim, in principle. The Reading Transport Strategy 2040 says the council will re-allocate space to active travel. The reality can, however, be very different. An example: the council has recently voted through the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). Interestingly, this plan included a short new section of cycle lane on Oxford Road. Sadly, even this short section is interrupted halfway though. By what you ask? Parking spaces, of course. Meanwhile, under the same plan extra parking spaces are created just around the corner. How is this re-allocating space for active travel?
So, there are vague claims, but no concrete plans for how to implement them. Other boroughs, are taking actions. Some are charging higher parking permit fees for larger, more polluting vehicles. Other councils have much more extensive parking permit zones. What will RBC do? It is not enough to have lofty aims without a plan for implementing them. The council can not be taken serious about its ambitions in active travel unless it sets out a clear plan for how to tackle this blight on our public space.
On some streets houses have no front garden where owners can park their vehicles, but many do have sufficient space. Parking a small vehicle on their own property is an option for many people, but most simple choose not to. Why would they if they are given extra space for free on the road? Let them convert part of their front garden if they really need to. If you look carefully, you will start to notice that some of those cars are almost permanently parked, sometimes with cobwebs on the tyres and a patch of dirt accumulated underneath the vehicle, even in front of houses with ample space, but owners can’t be bothered.
The second oft-repeated argument is that their is no money for infrastructure. The council keeps a long list of requested changes to improve road safety that are awaiting funding. Many of these measures, no matter how small, will have to wait for many years for anything to happen. Yet at the same time the council is handing out huge subsidies to car owners by surrendering one of its prime assets: the public space. Most of this subsidy is going to owners of larger cars, often the wealthier residents of Reading. Meanwhile the poorest households often don’t own a car (30% of households across the UK don’t own a car) and miss out yet again.
Fixing it
Therefore, here are some of my personal suggestions to the council:
Introduce size based parking permit fees,
Significantly expand permit fee zones,
Increase all parking permit fees to represent the true cost of public space. Exemptions and reductions can be given to those who can’t afford it.
Set out a street-level plan and timeline for reducing parking space to make way for infrastructure for sustainable transport,
Keep in mind the needs of disabled persons and use part of the freed up space to improve blue badge parking
Increase space for shared cars and install bike hangars,
Ring fence proceeds for active travel and public transport.
When will the council make clear that parking on our roads is a privilege, not a right? That children’s health, safety and future are more important than storing metal boxes?